Can I Deduct Expenses Related to Business Sale Agains Non-compete Income


Taking Business Tax Deductions

Updated for Taxation Year 2022 • January 21, 2022 01:57 PM


TurboTax will show you lot the money-saving tax deductions you tin take as a small business possessor.


What kind of deductions can I take equally a minor business?

Sure, yous pay taxation on your business profits. But there's practiced news, besides. You can potentially reduce your taxable income significantly past taking all the deductions y'all're entitled to every bit concern expenses.

To determine whether you tin deduct an expense, ask yourself: Is this expense both ordinary and necessary to the business? The IRS requires both elements.

  1. An expense is ordinary if it is common and accepted in your industry.
  2. An expense is necessary if it is helpful and appropriate for your business concern.

Common small business deductions include costs for:

  • Automobiles
  • Bad debts
  • Depreciation
  • Employee compensation
  • Home office
  • Insurance
  • Involvement
  • Legal and professional fees
  • Pension plans
  • Rent
  • Taxes
  • Travel, meals and entertainment
  • Other
  • Expenses you tin can't deduct


As a minor concern owner, you lot tin deduct automobile expenses for visits to clients, customers or travel to business organisation meetings away from your regular workplace. If you have a home role, a bulldoze from your dwelling house to a supplier and back home again is a 100% deductible business expense.

When figuring expenses, you may cull between taking the standard mileage rate (which generally changes every six months to a yr), or deducting your actual expenses for items such every bit gas, oil changes, tires, repairs, preventive maintenance, insurance and registration.

  • If you choose to deduct your actual expenses in the year you starting time using your car for business concern, you can't switch to the standard mileage rate later on.
  • If you choose the standard mileage method first, you tin switch to bodily expenses in a later year.

In choosing the method that yields the higher deduction, the number of miles you drive each yr is probably the most important gene.

  • If you do a lot of driving, then the standard mileage rate method may piece of work better for yous.
  • Automobiles that eat more gas may let you claim a higher deduction using the actual expense method.

If you decide to deduct your bodily expenses, you must keep a log of your trips noting the date, the miles driven, and the purpose of each trip. Try to keep a record of your trips as they occur, when it'due south easier to continue track of the details.

  • Proceed a record of your gas purchases, insurance and registration payments, and repairs and maintenance costs.
  • If the IRS e'er audits you, you will need to provide written documentation to substantiate your deduction.

If you're cocky employed, even if yous claim the standard mileage charge per unit, y'all can too deduct:

  • The concern part of involvement on your car loan
  • State and local belongings taxes
  • Parking fees and tolls

Bad debts

How can something bad be good for you? Easy: If yous loaned coin to customers, suppliers or employees who never paid you dorsum, you may be able to claim a bad-debt deduction to starting time office of your loss. This type of debt must have the following characteristics:

  • Debtor-creditor human relationship—There must exist a legal obligation for a debtor to pay a creditor a specified sum of money. The all-time way to establish this relationship is with a written document stating the amount of the loan, interest charge per unit, repayment schedule, etc. This is particularly important if yous lend your corporation coin. Without written documentation of the loan, the IRS may treat the advance as a contribution of capital to the business concern and it will not be deductible.
  • Worthlessness—You must show that the debt is uncollectible and that you attempted to collect it.
  • Loss—You must have sustained a loss considering of the debt.

It's besides possible to claim a bad-debt deduction if someone doesn't pay you for piece of work you performed or products you sold.

  • To qualify for this tax-saving deduction, though, you lot must use the accrual method of accounting, which entails booking income when a product or service is sold, for example.
  • If your business concern uses the cash-basis method, you can't deduct a worthless receivable as a bad-debt expense because you don't count income until it is received and would non need a deduction to offset the amount non included in your income.


With an ordinary concern expense, y'all deduct the entire toll of the buy in that tax yr. But if you buy an asset for your business that y'all will use beyond the current taxation year, you lot must spread out the deduction over the asset'due south expected life. This concept of spreading out a deduction over the life of an asset is called depreciation.

The nugget must meet three requirements in guild to be depreciated. It must be:

  1. Used in the concern or held to produce income
  2. Expected to terminal more than than ane year
  3. Something that wears out, gets used up, or loses its value over fourth dimension

The following assets tin't exist depreciated:

  • Holding that you lot place in service and dispose of in the same year
  • Inventory
  • Land
  • Repair and maintenance expenditures that do not increase the value of your asset, make it more useful, or increase its life. (These outlays are generally deductible in full in the twelvemonth you pay them.)

Of course, there are always exceptions. Small businesses may be able to deduct the entire price of a depreciable asset in the year it is placed in service instead of spreading the cost out over the life of the asset.

  • This is known as a Section 179 deduction, after the section of the tax code that authorizes it.
  • It as well goes past the allonym "expensing," because you lot get to deduct the total cost at once—just like you lot do for concern expenses—rather than depreciating the capital nugget over time.
  • For assets placed in service in the 2022 tax yr, yous tin take a maximum Section 179 deduction of $ane,050,000.
  • The corporeality you tin can expense is reduced if you lot purchase more than than $2,620,000 in eligible belongings during the year.

While the idea of taking a huge deduction right abroad may sound skilful to you, be conscientious, because at that place is a downside. If you sell an asset, you may accept to recapture all or role of the depreciation deductions. (Recapture means reversing all or part of your earlier deductions past adding them back every bit income.)

Bonus Depreciation: Bonus depreciation has been changed for qualified assets acquired and placed in service afterward September 27, 2017. The old rules of fifty% bonus depreciation still apply for qualified assets acquired before September 28, 2017. These assets had to exist purchased new, not used. The new rules allow for 100% bonus "expensing" of assets that are new or used.

  • The percent of bonus depreciation phases downwardly in 2023 to 80%, 2024 to 60%, 2025 to xl%, and 2026 to xx%.
  • Afterward 2026 there is no further bonus depreciation.
  • This bonus "expensing" should not be confused with expensing under Code Section 179 which has entirely divide rules, come across above.
  • The 100% expensing is also available for certain productions (qualified film, television, and alive staged performances) and certain fruit or nuts planted or grafted after September 27, 2017.
  • 50% bonus first yr depreciation can exist elected over the 100% expensing for the first revenue enhancement year ending after September 27, 2017.

Employee compensation

Compensation y'all pay employees is deductible, including:

  • Salaries
  • Awards
  • Bonuses
  • Fringe benefits such equally health insurance, sick pay and holiday pay

You get a deduction whether y'all pay wages to employees, to whom you provide a W-2, or utilize independent contractors, to whom you event Class 1099. You can also write off the cost of benefits such as,

  • Group-term life insurance
  • Adoption assistance
  • Dependent-care assistance
  • Educational assistance

Other deductible fringe benefits include:

  • Discounts on goods or services
  • Flights on airplanes
  • Meals and lodging
  • Memberships in state clubs
  • Tickets to amusement or sporting events
  • Utilise of a car

Abode part

Yous can piece of work out of your home and salve on taxes at the aforementioned time. Audio incommunicable? It'due south not, but the habitation office deduction is a bit tricky, so you need to know all the ins-and-outs. To accept the home office deduction, yous must employ your dwelling house function regularly and exclusively for your business. More often than not, your domicile office must be your principal place of business, or you must use it to come across clients or customers on a regular basis.

  • Exclusive utilize means that you've got a specific area of your home that you lot use simply for your trade or business. For case, if the den in your habitation is used only as your part, you can have the deduction. Simply if the kids also play in that location or you lookout man sports on TV in your den, you tin't. So do yourself a favor and move the toys and that big-screen TV to another room in your house.
  • Regular employ ways that you apply the space as an office on an ongoing basis. Occasional or incidental employ does not qualify for business concern utilize, even if the office is used exclusively for business organization purposes.

To claim that your home office is your principal place of concern, you must perform the most important function of your work in that location or use the office for administrative or management activities, and non perform these activities at any other stock-still location, such equally some other role off-site.

Administrative and management activities include:

  • Billing customers
  • Keeping books and records
  • Setting appointments
  • Ordering supplies
  • Writing reports

For example, if your business involves repairing clients' computers in their homes, you tin deduct your home office if you utilize information technology to set up appointments and bill customers, even though y'all don't repair the computers in your office.

You can too claim the home office deduction if y'all shop inventory or product samples there, or if you operate a day intendance facility.

The size of your deduction depends on the percentage of your domicile that is used for business. If your total business expenses exceed gross income from business organisation employ of your dwelling, your deduction will be express.

The ii most common methods of calculating business percentage are:

  • Dividing your home part'south square footage by that of the entire firm
  • Dividing the number of rooms used for business organisation by the home's total number of rooms, if all rooms are about the same size

Because the home office deduction is a complex area that has been the subject area of much controversy and many courtroom cases, you may want to look at more detailed discussions of this deduction in IRS Publication 587: Business concern Use of Your Home.


You can deduct insurance expenses for your business as long as they're ordinary and necessary. Common examples include:

  • Coverage for losses from unpaid debts
  • Casualty and theft insurance
  • Professional liability or malpractice insurance
  • Accident and health insurance
  • Overhead insurance
  • Coverage for vehicles used in your business

At that place are a few types of insurance costs that you lot may not deduct. These include:

  • Life insurance where yous are directly or indirectly the beneficiary. This includes policies you take out on yourself to secure a loan for your business
  • Loss-of-earnings insurance (likewise called business interruption insurance)


Mostly, you tin can deduct all of the interest you lot pay during the tax year on debts related to your business.

  • For example, if you have out a bank loan to buy business equipment, that involvement is deductible.
  • If you're just starting your business and yous use a credit card to help with start-upwardly costs, or if a relative loans you coin, such involvement costs are also tax-deductible.

A corporation can deduct the interest information technology pays on loans from its shareholders. There should be a valid business organization purpose for such a borrowing system and written documentation in place detailing,

  • The corporeality of the loan,
  • Interest rate and
  • Maturity engagement

Since these types of arrangements may receive increased scrutiny from the IRS, you should have evidence that the transaction is a loan and not an investment.

Watch out for loans that are for both personal and business organization uses, because personal utilize will limit your deduction. For case, if you take out a automobile loan on a vehicle that you utilise for both concern and personal reasons, part of the loan interest won't be deductible.

Legal and professional fees

Fees that yous pay to professionals, such as attorneys and accountants, are deductible when they chronicle to your ongoing business organization. If you purchase business assets, the fees paid for professional services are non deducted, but are added to the taxation basis (or cost) of your business.

Example:You negotiate the purchase of a pool-cleaning route for $22,500. You lot pay $two,500 in professional fees for an attorney to typhoon a non-compete agreement with the seller and rent an accountant to perform a due-diligence review of the books. For revenue enhancement purposes, your cost ground in the pool route is $25,000 ($22,500 + $ii,500).

If you began the business organization this year, legal fees to incorporate or to organize your business as a partnership may also be deductible.

  • In 2021, you tin can deduct up to $v,000 in business start-upward expenses and some other $5,000 in organizational expenses in the year you lot brainstorm business organisation.
  • Boosted expenses must be amortized over 15 years.

If you are a sole proprietor, you can deduct accounting and tax preparation fees on Schedule C, to the extent that they are related to your concern. Tax grooming costs for the personal portion of your render may be deductible on Schedule A if you itemize deductions.

Alimony plans

If you set and maintain a retirement plan such as a Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) programme or a Savings Incentive Lucifer Plan for Employees (SIMPLE) plan, you can deduct contributions you make for yourself and your employees. (If you have no total-fourth dimension employees, except your spouse, you may notice that an individual 401(grand) plan may offer an fifty-fifty amend bargain than a SEP or SIMPLE programme.)

Yous tin can too deduct trustee fees incurred to maintain and administer the plan if contributions to the plan don't cover those fees. To learn more about different plans and how to set them up, see:

  • IRS Publication 560: Retirement Plans for Pocket-size Business (SEP, Unproblematic and Qualified Plans)
  • IRS Publication 590-A: Contributions to Individual Retirement Arrangements (IRAs)


The IRS defines rent as whatsoever corporeality that you lot pay to use property you do not own. Most of usa are familiar with the concept of paying hire for part infinite, land or equipment. But y'all may non know that you can deduct part of your rent on your home, condo or apartment if y'all apply part of it equally a identify of concern. (To practise so, you must meet the requirements for a dwelling house office. Encounter Domicile Office Expenses.)

If you lot hire property from your relatives or a related company and the IRS deems the rent to be excessive, the IRS volition disallow the deduction.

  • To avoid this, make certain the rent is comparable to what yous would pay a stranger.
  • Contact a existent manor agent and enquire him or her to prepare comparisons of similar backdrop in the area to substantiate the rent yous are paying to a related political party.

Rents are normally deductible in the year they are paid.

  • For rent paid in advance, you can only accept a deduction for the portion that applies to your use of the property during the taxation yr.
  • For example, on Jan 1, 2022 Jim signed a three-year lease for office infinite, like-minded to pay a full of $thirty,000 in hire. He paid the unabridged toll up forepart. Jim can deduct $10,000 in 2022 and some other $10,000 in each of the next two years.


In that location are many taxes that you can deduct when operating a business. For example, if your land taxes the gross income of your business, you lot can deduct that tax on your federal return. Equally an employer, yous tin also deduct your share of your workers' employment taxes.

Hither are some other taxes you can deduct:

  • Personal property taxes imposed by your state or local regime.
  • Real estate taxes, which are deductible to the extent that you use the land for your business. If yous qualify for the home office deduction, you can deduct a portion of your real estate taxation confronting your gross revenue.
  • Sales and excise taxes, which are deductible when paid for business-related purchases or services. But if the tax is on a depreciable asset, add the tax to the basis of the asset.

Fuel taxes that you pay for gasoline, diesel or other types of motor fuels are already reflected in the price of the fuel, so you lot can't deduct these taxes as a separate detail. Note that you lot may exist entitled to a credit or refund for federal excise tax you paid on fuels used, for example, in a farming operation where your vehicles are used off-road.

Travel, meals, and entertainment

Get out on the town with your clients, pick up the bill and get a revenue enhancement deduction. What could exist easier? Merely make certain that the outing is business-related. In other words, whatever payments you deduct for travel, meals and amusement must be ordinary and necessary in your trade or business.

  • In general, for tax years prior to 2018, entertainment expenses must be directly related to, or associated with, the conduct of your trade or business.
  • Offset in 2018, generally, entertainment expenses are no longer deductible.

Travel expenses include those for ordinary and necessary travel abroad from home for your business organisation. You must meet ii weather condition to accept the travel expense deduction:

  1. Your duties must require you to exist away from dwelling house (your regular identify of business, regardless of where yous maintain your family habitation) substantially longer than an ordinary mean solar day's work.
  2. Yous need sleep or rest to meet the demands of your work while you're away.

If your trip meets these requirements, y'all can deduct a broad diverseness of travel-related expenses, including costs for:

  • Transportation (using a airplane, railroad train, charabanc or car) between your home and your business concern destination, including taxi, commuter bus and limousine fares
  • Aircraft items such equally samples or display materials
  • Maintaining your own vehicle if you utilise your car or truck for business travel. You can choose between deducting actual expenses or taking the standard mileage charge per unit.
  • Tolls and parking
  • Rental cars
  • Meals and overnight lodging. You may deduct merely 50% of the cost of business organization meals. Except that in 2022 and 2022 y'all tin can deduct 100% of the price of qualified business meals provided by a restaurant.

Other deductible expenses include:

  • Costs for dry cleaning and laundry care
  • Telephone calls
  • Utilise of fax machines
  • Tips

Meal expenses include those incurred while traveling away from domicile or for entertainment of business customers at your place of concern, a restaurant or other location. This deduction may also utilize to meals you lot furnish on your premises to your employees.

Entertainment expenses fall into a broad category and include any activity generally considered to provide entertainment or recreation. Some examples include hosting clients at social, athletic or sporting clubs, theaters, yacht trips, hunting or angling, vacations and the similar. Beginning with revenue enhancement years after 2017, generally no amusement expenses are whatsoever longer deductible.

For more information on travel, encounter IRS Publication 463: Travel, Entertainment, Gift, and Car Expenses.


And then far, we've discussed the most mutual small business concern deductions. Other deductible expenses include:

  • Advertising
  • Educational expenses
  • Licenses and regulatory fees
  • Dues and subscriptions for professional person organizations or business publications
  • Outplacement services for your employees
  • Penalties and fines yous pay for late performance or nonperformance of a contract

Expenses yous tin't deduct

Deplorable, the news on write-offs isn't all good: Some business organization expenses are not deductible under whatever circumstances.

  • While the cost of entertainment at social, able-bodied, luncheon, sporting, airline and hotel clubs is deductible, the dues you pay to be a member are not, even if your membership is for business organisation.
  • Federal income tax payments
  • Lobbying expenses
  • Penalties and fines you pay when you suspension the constabulary
  • Political contributions

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